2007년 9월 4일 화요일


HaeseonGwak., who is a chief of economic education institute, mentioned Korea’s economic dependency on trade is over 70%. It means Korea is related to many countries in the world. By globalizing, Korea needs FTA. FTA is abbreviation of Free Trade Agreement. It is a contract between two countries. It is a form of combined economics. After the WTO’s appearance, FTA is extending now. Now FTA is a big issue in Korea among people, especially to America. There is an argument between those who agree with FTA and those who do not. I think FTA is good for Korea. Also, Korea has to accept FTA with America. Because by tying close relations with America, Korea can get lots of advantages and Korea can not avoid this situation because of lacking resources, globalization and a tiny market in Korea.
Korea must have a good relationship with America because by being a friend with America, Korea can have good outputs from FTA. As Yonhapnews insists that by having FTA, it makes customs goes down. For example, in car business, by making FTA a custom tariff toward to America goes down, so Korean cars pay lower tax to America. In addition, a Korean Company or product can have opportunities to go abroad more easily. For example, if Korea and America have no relationship, even though a Korean company wants to establish it is not possible because there are many regulations to establish in America. However, after an FTA contract, a Korean Company can establish its oversea agency more easily. According to WonmokChoi, who is a professor in Korea, debated by competing with American goods and company, Korean companies and products can strengthen the competitiveness. Most Korean farmers think by contracting with America Korea imports American food which has good quality, taste and low price, so they are afraid of that consumers might buy American food. However, I think this is a good opportunity to compete and change for the better. Farmers can know their products’ weakness and problems.
There are other reasons why Korea should accept FTA. Every country has different kinds of and amount of natural resources. For instance, America has various vegetables and good quality of grain, and Korea has a skill to make a semiconductor. By contracting FTA, the two countries can exchange. Also, by globalizing, countries have to have relationships with each other. The world is like a big society and FTA is sort of a promise among countries. Countries never have a loss, so we need FTA. The most important reason is Korea has a small domestic market to struggle. Every day new companies and products produce, but Korea has limited land and market. There is no place can compete. Also, there is no more ability to grow. However, America has a large continent and various customers.
There is a proverb the frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean. FTA is a great chance to go abroad and to know about the world. In addition, FTA brings good points to both two countries such as lower custom, many ways to go to the world and can exchange goods. Also, it always tries to find a middle spot which is good for both, so Korea need FTA for everyone. Everything has good and bad aspects. Of course, FTA has both sides, but Korea sees the good aspects and follows it.

2007년 8월 12일 일요일

Before I came here I had some stereotypes about Americans. One of the stereotypes is family. In the movie Click, it emphasizes that family is the most important thing in the world. At first, Adam Sandler can not make a decision between work and family. His two children want to go to camp, but he does not have enough time to spend with his children. His family is disappointed with him. By choosing work, he messes up his whole life and he loses his family. Finally, he realizes that he made a wrong decision. He regrets to choose work. Fortunately, that is a dream. After dreaming, he comes back his home and spends a lot of time with his family. After I saw the movie, I think that American consider that a family is more important than work. Now, I think that it is true. Americans try to spend more time with their family. Americans enjoy going camping with their children when they have the time and having dinner. I think American companies give Americans many opportunities to spend the time with children or family. The second reason why I think Americans think that a family is an important thing is most of Americans have a big family car. They love often to go to family trip and they move altogether. After children grown up, American children leave their parents and live separately, so American parents try to spend a lot of time when their children is young. Even though they live separately, they always keep in tough with their family. I think that is really good situation. When they live together they spend a time together, and when they apart from each other they try to keep in touch. Before I came here, another stereotype that I had is American education has good surroundings for students. American education has opening mind and a few students can talk with teachers. American teachers always smile and accept their students’ opinion and thinking. In contrast, in Korea, teachers have the answers of questions and they do not try to accept students’ opinion. Korean teachers are always stubborn. Also, Korean students have to study with over 50 friends in class. That means teachers can not talk with their students man to man. Now, I think that it is partially true. What American teachers always try to accept students’ opinion is true. When teachers ask questions, there are no answers. Student’s thinking is right and is the answer. I think that means teachers have opening mind for students. In addition, students can say their thinking freely. I can not imagine that over 50 Korean students say their opinion in a class. However, in universities, both American and Korean students have the same situation. The reason is many global students take a class together in university. However, most important thing is teachers always try to something for students and it is really good. In Korea, some teachers are changing, but others are not flexible. A stereotype is just a fixed too general image or thinking. There are no reasons. Also a stereotype is not always right. After I stayed in America, I changed my mind. Before I came here, I had some stereotypes about Americans, education, and others. Now, I have new aspects of American and thinking what I experienced and saw is truth. I think what people have some stereotype is not good. People have not to have stereotypes.

2007년 7월 28일 토요일

Peter Paul Rubens- Cimon & Pero

Most of the people think painting which was drawn by famous painter is for high level group or very boring and difficult subject. I was same as you. Before I entered my university, I thought what art is very difficult and complex thing. However, now I will introduce very interesting painting. Have you ever seen this painting? This painting was drawn by Peter Paul Rubens. A title of this painting is Cimon & Pero. You can see this painting in Puerto Rico National Art Museum. As soon as you see what do you think? An old man and a young woman. In addition, the old man sucks her breast. Do you think they have immoral intimacy? when I saw this one at the first time, it was little bit shocked. There is the woman's breast in the nude and the old man sucks the breast. I think you are same as me. However, after listening my explaination about this painting, you have different feel and interest. There is a story. The old man is Cimon and Simon in America. The young woman is Pero. They are father and daughter. He was in jail becase of declaring independence and was waiting for capital punishment. In addition, he must not eat anything until that day. It made her heart hurt to see the father did not allowed to eat anything, so she entered the prison and gave her breast. It states she devoted herself and unconditional love. Now, what do you think? I thought a subect of art is very boring, but by knowing and taking classes I realize that the art is fascinated and captivated.

comparing ads

“Ouch! That hurts.” And then, my sister screamed in the bathroom. “What’s up there?” I asked to her. When I went to the bathroom, she was almost crying and said, “I tried to eliminate my leg hair, but I could not. It was very sick!” Therefore, I suggested to her. “Use another one, or do not shave your leg.” When I saw two advertisements that are products of shavers in a magazine, that happening just popped in my head. I think the way of advertising is important because the advertisement is a part of strategies in marketing and it is related to customers. Also the most important thing in the advertisement is how to approach to customer and explain a product. By comparing, those two advertisements, the Venus and the Quattro, we can know what advertisements intend to customers and, how to attract people who need a shaver.
Both ads do not emphasize their products and write down their functions of items in the corner of a page. The Venus ad touches people’s emotion and makes people believe product work well. However, the Quattro ad differs from the Venus because the Quattro ad approaches to people the other way which expresses artificially. In addition, customers easily find advertisements which are similar to the Venus.
Gillete’s Venue ad is not artificial. It expresses feeling after using a shaver. A model who has shiny body wears purple- colored bikini wraps around a silky big scarf. The Venus ad makes people can imagine smooth, silky skin. By seeing the ad, every woman who has leg’s hair expects to have the same skin as shown in the picture. The Gillette company made the ad with good balance. The customers can see item’s benefits and functions on the left corner of the page.
The Quattro’s ad attracts readers of advertisement because it does not use a model. It uses a computer such as a design graphic. The Quattro’s ad evokes people’s curiosity and interests by showing only women’s shiny legs with drawing angles. Draw-angles make people believe the shaver was made more scientific than others. Even though ad does not say about feeling after using the product and advantages of the Quattro, customers were absorbed in the ad.
Not only the Venus, but also the Quattro has their own way of approaching to their consumers and they are clear in expressing their intention. In my opinion, I prefer the Quattro ad because of the creative concept they have produced as I already mentioned. The Quattro ad fascinates me.

2007년 7월 15일 일요일

the Culture Shock

65% of the people experiences culture shock. I also have. It happened the second visiting in America.
One day, I was jogging alone in the park. Suddenly, a person who passed by me said “hello” and smiled, so I was embarrassed. “Is she crazy?” I said in my mind. Also “Does she know me?” “Why did she say hello to me?” Hmm.. I tried to remember who she was. However I could not. I concluded she was out of her mind. After I came back to my cousin’s home, I asked to my younger cousin who had lived in America for a while what happened to me. She laughed and said “Hey, sister, she was not crazy. Sometimes people say hello to you; even though, they do not know you. So, you were embarrassed? Huh?” to me. “What an awkward! So I have to answer that?” I asked my cousin. She answered “If you want, but if you do not want you do not have to.” I still can not understand it. I am getting used to some greeting at the shop like “How are you?” However, “hello” from strangers who I do not know is still a shy word to me.

2007년 7월 12일 목요일

my best teacher

When I was a high school student I met one of the best teachers in my life. He was my English teacher. There are many reasons why I remember him as the best. He had a great personality and funny appearance. Also I liked his way of teaching. He always tried to understand students. Even though, a student did not get a good grade, he always gave hope to student by saying good things. He always smiled and gave us a laugh. In addition, he had small eyes. Sudents sometimes called him "box." A tendency of Korean education system is only memorizing. However, he made students understand contexts. He told us about a stories which related to contexts. It made me memorized they more easily. After meeting him, I was interested in English.